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List of resourceful links that are useful information need

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Wilderness Study Guide & Aid Link
With many features links which provide a study tool in like a library research area. With many languages, Hebrew/Greek lexicons, dictionaries, many dictionaries' scriptures book name and some additional history of the Scriptures book times and events. Where all those features may help us get the right definitions and the meaning of the scriptural words found in the original New Covenant Greek and Old Covenant Hebrew languages of the scroll.
This online study resource can help us in understanding the origins and root meaning of the ancient language. The site link pages "Software & Study Aids" is the "A Voice in the Wilderness" website (a-voice.org) by the possible man's name Paul Becker.

Sunrise Calendar
Select of the major calculations of sunrise at your location area. To know when the new day began.
Star Walk 2 - App
Bro. Pouliot also used this app to track the moon cycle. This app is like a 3D map for locating the stars, moon, or sun wherever you are standing.
New & Full Moon Calendar
Select major calculations of new and full moon set at your sky point location. To know when the new month likely began. The new moon is best known for its monthly cycle. (If Earth is in the perfect cycle, the moon cycle would set at exactly 30 days a month in all 12 months).

World History Atlas & Timelines
GeaCron is a complementary tool for the study of history and of the information contained in the documentary sources, historiography, or encyclopedias. The history is subject to multiple interpretations and therefore we are open to the collaboration of all those lovers of world history who wish to provide their knowledge, to suggest some sort of modification or any other kind of contribution.